Ah, well. Who cares.
New stuff. Girl I've liked for quite a bit of the school year turns out to be dating someone now. Pretty neutral towards the guy beforehand, and now of course I inadvertently hate his guts.
Actually considering dating the girl the entire school thinks I like now (she is pretty cute).
Preparing for a salsa dancing contest in spanish class. Sounds actually vaguely fun. Our class is going to be pitted against someone else's, and we'll see which one is better at dancing. But everyone has to dance. So, not quite as fun, but probably hilarious... er.
I hate people now. Bunch of bigotly jerkfaces. Bleah.
That's pretty much what's new in my life. From your end it probably looks bad, but its actually kind of awesome. Happy 2010! Except for you wacky Chinese and your wacky new year.